===== Reasoning in ontologies =====
* Last verification: **20221121**
* Tools required for this lab:
* [[https://protege.stanford.edu/software.php#desktop-protege|Protégé Desktop 5]]
* Reasoner:
* [[http://www.hermit-reasoner.com/|HermiT]] (mirror: {{https://krzysztof.kutt.pl/didactics/semweb/HermiT-|HermiT-}})
* [[http://semanticweb.org/wiki/Pellet|Pellet 2.3.1]] (mirror: {{https://krzysztof.kutt.pl/didactics/semweb/pellet-2.3.1.zip|pellet-2.3.1.zip}}) (works only on Java <= 8)
==== Prepare yourself for the lab ====
* [[https://cambridgesemantics.com/blog/semantic-university/learn-owl-rdfs/flavors-of-owl/|Flavors of OWL @Cambridge Semantics]]
* [[https://cambridgesemantics.com/blog/semantic-university/intro-semantic-web/semantic-web-misconceptions/|Semantic Web Misconceptions]] (this is probably the right moment for this text, as you already know something about the ontologies :-) )
* OPTIONAL: OWL is based on Description Logics formalism –- if you want to know more about it, you can familiarize yourself with a [[http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~horrocks/Slides/IJCAR-tutorial/Display/|Description Logics Tutorial]]
==== Lab instructions ====
=== 1. TBox and ABox [10 minutes] ===
* The knowledge base in OWL (which is based on Description Logics) consists of two types of concepts:
* **TBox** -- terminology, intensional representation
* **ABox** -- assertions about individuals, extensional representation
* [[http://www.mkbergman.com/489/ontology-best-practices-for-data-driven-applications-part-2/|Why should we care about keeping them split?]]
* Let's check if you understand this difference properly: Take your [[.:lab_onto2|ontology from previous lab]]. Identify five statements that belong to Terminology (TBox) and five to World Description (ABox).
Note: we will **not** use ontology from previous classes during the following exercises (we will only check it using Pellet reasoner in //OWL Reasoning - Reasoners// section). There will be mini-examples for each of them to show particular ideas.
=== 2. OWL Reasoning - Class Inference [10 minutes] ===
* In Description Logics on which the OWL language is based there are the following reasoning tasks for classes (terminology, TBox):
- Class subsumption (Structuring the knowledge base)
- Class equivalence (Are two classes in fact the same class?)
- Class disjointness (Do classes A and B have common members?)
- Class consistency (Isn't class A empty?)
- Model the following ontology axioms in Protege:
Class: bus_driver
that drives some bus
Class: driver
that drives some vehicle
Class: bus
- To build the first axiom:
- Create appropriate classes \\ {{.:protege-reasoning1.png?direct|}} \\
- and Object Properties: \\ {{.:protege-reasoning2.png?direct|}} \\
- Define the BusDriver class with ''Equivalent classes'' button \\ {{.:protege-reasoning3.png?direct&w350|}}
- Build the second axiom analogously: \\ {{.:protege-reasoning4.png?direct&w350|}} \\
- Build the third axiom using the ''SubClass of'' button: \\ {{.:protege-reasoning5.png?direct&w350|}} \\
- Start the reasoner (''Reasoner -> start reasoner'') and observe the inferred class hierarchy.
- What conclusions have been drawn? \\ {{.:protege-reasoning6.png?direct|}} \\
- Explain the inferred relations and conclusions.
- Analyze the reasoning examples given [[http://mowl-power.cs.man.ac.uk/2009/07/sssw/people.html#people-class|here]] in "Class Inferences" section.
=== 3. OWL Reasoning - Instance Inferences [10 minutes] ===
* In Description Logics on which the OWL language is based there are the following reasoning tasks for instances (world description, ABox):
- Class membership (is instance //a// contained in class //C//?)
- Instance retrieval (find all (known) individuals belonging to a given class)
* and for the whole Knowledge Base (ABox+TBox):
- Global consistency of a knowledge base (Is the knowledge base meaningful?)
- Download the {{http://krzysztof.kutt.pl/didactics/semweb/people-prep.owl|pre-prepared ontology}} and load it in Protege (**NB:** the ontology classes and those on screenshots may differ a little).
- Model the following ontology axioms in Protege:
Individual: Daily_Mirror
Individual: Q123ABC
Individual: Mick
reads Daily_Mirror,
drives Q123ABC
Class: white_van_man
that drives some (van
and white_thing)
reads only tabloid
//For those not familiar with UK culture, White Van Man is a stereotype used to describe a particular kind of driver. [[wp>White_van_man|Wikipedia]] provides an entry with some additional information and references.// \\ Hints:
- Create appropriate instances in ''Individuals'' tab \\ {{.:protege-reasoning7.png?direct&w350|}}
- If the instance is of 2 types, create it only once and then add the second type: \\ {{.:protege-reasoning8.png?direct&w350|}}
- Add object properties to connect individuals: \\ {{.:protege-reasoning9.png?direct&w350|}}
- Define the class: \\ {{.:protege-reasoning10.png?direct&w350|}}
- Start the reasoner (''Reasoner -> Start reasoner'') and observe the inferred class hierarchy. Where is the ''white_van_man''? What conclusions have been drawn?
- Explain the inferred relations and conclusions.
- Analyze the reasoning examples given [[http://mowl-power.cs.man.ac.uk/2009/07/sssw/people.html#people-instance|here]] in "Instance Inferences" section.
=== 4. OWL Reasoning - Reasoners [5 minutes] ===
Description Logics (DL) reasoners may be integrated with other tools -- as in the case of Protege presented before -- as well as run independently via various interfaces. Popular DL reasoners include: FaCT++, Pellet, HermiT, RacerPro and many others.
We will use the [[http://www.hermit-reasoner.com/|HermiT]] reasoner (//you can also use Pellet reasoner; the link is at the top of this page//).
- Download the reasoner and unpack the zip.
- Get familiar with available commands:
* For HermiT: ''java -jar HermiT.jar --help''
* For Pellet: ''pellet.sh help'' (use ''pellet.bat'' if you are using Windows)
- Check the consistency of the ontology and observe the results:
* For HermiT: ''java -jar HermiT.jar -k '' where '''' is:
* Your ontology from [[.:lab_onto2|previous lab]]
* ''pizza.owl'' ontology provided with HermiT in ''project/examples/ontologies/'' directory
* For Pellet: ''pellet.sh consistency '' where the '''' is:
* Your ontology from [[.:lab_onto2|previous lab]]
* ''people+pets.owl'' ontology provided with Pellet in ''examples/data/'' directory
- Classify two above mentioned ontologies and observe the results:
* For HermiT: ''java -jar HermiT.jar -cP ''
* For Pellet: ''pellet.sh classify ''
=== 5. Advanced OWL reasoning [50 minutes] ===
These instructions are based on the [[http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~stevensr/menupages/fhkb.php|The Family History Knowledge Base Tutorial]]((Updated version of the tutorial is available [[http://owl.cs.manchester.ac.uk/publications/talks-and-tutorials/fhkbtutorial/|here]].)) by The University of Manchester, School of Computer Science.
- Download the {{https://krzysztof.kutt.pl/didactics/semweb/fhkb-ontologies.zip|fhkb-ontologies.zip}} pack.
- Open Protege
=== 5.1 Warm up ===
- Load ''Family-tree-0.owl''
- It contains ''Sex'', ''Female'', ''Male'', ''Person'', ''Man'' and ''Woman'' classes.
- Create ''hasSex'' property. Set domain and ranges on ''hasSex'' (Person/Sex). Make it //functional//.
- Create restrictions on ''Person'': ''hasSex some Sex''.
- Make ''Man'' and ''Woman'' **defined** (use ''Equivalent to''): ''Man EquivalentTo Person that hasSex some Male'', etc. \\ {{.:owl-man.png?direct&180|}}
- Import ''plain-individuals.owl'' file. Observe that none of them have any assertions on them (''Active Ontology'' tab -> ''Imported ontologies'' -> ''Direct imports'').
- Choose an individual, add ''Types'': ''Person and (hasSex some Male)'' \\ {{.:owl-robert-individual.png?direct&300|}}
- Using the ''Reasoner'' menu in Protege (''Reasoner -> Start/Synchronize reasoner''), classify the ontology. What inferences are made?
=== 5.2 Characteristics of properties ===
- Close the previous ontology. Load ''Family-tree-1.owl''. Check how ''Man'' and ''Woman'' classes are defined.
- Create object properties: ''hasFather'', ''hasMother'', make them //functional//, add //domain// and //range//: ''Person'', ''Man/Woman'', add //inverse properties//: \\ {{.:owl-hasmother.png?direct&200|}}
- Create restrictions on Person: ''has Mother some Woman'', ''hasFather some Man'' \\ {{.:owl-hasparents.png?direct&200|}}
- Load ''individuals-1-parantage.owl'' file.
- Classify the ontology. What inferences are made?
=== 5.3 Datatype properties ===
- Close the previous ontology. Load ''Family-tree-2.owl''.
- Create or find datatype properties: ''birthYear'', ''deathYear'', make them //functional//. \\ {{.:owl-datatypes.png?direct&200|}}
- Create ''Victorian'' class: ''Person and birthYear some integer[>=1837, <=1901]''
* If ''<='' does not work, try: ''Person and (birthYear some xsd:integer[>=1837]) and not (birthYear some xsd:integer[>1901])''
- Classify the ontology. How many individuals have been classified as Victorians?
=== 5.4 Transitive properties ===
- Close the previous ontology. Load ''Family-tree-3.owl''.
- Create a new super-property of ''hasParent'' called ''hasAncestor'',
- Make it transitive and create inverse property.
- Clasify, look at property hierarchy. What do we know about Robert?
- Close the previous ontology. Load ''Family-tree-4.owl''.
- Model the information about David: \\ {{.:owl-david.png?direct&300|}}
- Classify the ontology. Answer the questions:
- What type does ''David_bright_1934'' have?
- How many children does he have?
=== 5.5 Property chains ===
- Close the previous ontology. Load ''Family-tree-5.owl''.
- Add ''hasGrandParent'' subProperty of ''hasAncestor'' (inverse ''grandparentOf'').
- Add domain and ranges.
- Add subProperties ''hasGrandMother/Father'' + domains and ranges
- Add property chain ''hasParent o hasFather/Mother -> hasGrandFather/Mother'' \\ {{.:owl-grandpa.png?direct&300|}}
- Classify the ontology. What do we learn about Robert?
=== 5.6 Classes with Individuals, Open World Assumption ===
- Close the previous ontology. Load ''Family-tree-6.owl''.
- Make class of all ancestors and class of robert's ancestors. \\ {{.:owl-class-individuals.png?direct&400|}}
- Classify. What are the results?
- Make class of people with min 3 children.
- Classify the ontology, do we find parents with 3 children? Why?
- How to really find parents that have 3 children?
- How to make individuals different from each other?
==== Learn more! ====