====== Programming Assignment I====== Select one of the assignments below. Assignments marked with {{:courses:xai:winner.png?25|}} can be extended as a continution in Programming Assgnment II. Projects marked with {{:courses:xai:contract.png?25|}} can be (with some additional work and depending on the results) published as scientific papers. ===== SHAP for time series ===== {{:courses:xai:winner.png?30|}} {{:courses:xai:contract.png?30|}} Main goal of the project is to take the code: https://github.com/sbobek/WindowSHAP/tree/main And add possibility of adding dynamic windows using ruptures point-detection algorithm. ===== Actionable SHAP ===== {{:courses:xai:winner.png?30|}} {{:courses:xai:contract.png?30|}} The goal of this project is to use shapley values to find counterfactual explanations. ===== Self-explainable Neural Networks ===== {{:courses:xai:winner.png?30|}} The goal of this project is to reproduce results from {{ :courses:xai:ximl2023_exploring_multi_task_learning_for_explainability_aueb.pdf |Exploring Multi-Task Learning for Explainability}} ===== Lux on Mushrooms datset ===== The goal of this work is to test how LUX works on the Mushroom daatset. * Dataset: [[https://archive.ics.uci.edu/dataset/848/secondary+mushroom+dataset|Download]] * Example preprocessing: [[https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1o7svANZLp5AGH0mvN906OG4QGCyi26I5|Colab Notebook]] ===== XAI for affective computing ===== The goal of this project is to calculate various XAI models for affective prediciton models * Start with the model: [[https://colab.research.google.com/drive/19xlYqtoGz80M6fHmOQsE7TAFf2xyPt9b?usp=sharing|Colab model for LSTMConv1 models]] --- [[https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/award | Award icons created by Freepik - Flaticon]]