At the end of the lab, each group should email their third project to the teacher. It is a semantic mashup created during this lab - it will probably consists of one Jupyter Notebook (to download it, click in Google Colab: File > Download > Download .ipynb
During this lab, we want to create a semantic mashup, which is simply a combination of two or more knowledge graphs that together give us some new quality.
Do not be scared – this will be your second mashup! You did the first one during Libraries: owlready2 (Python) lab, when you combined data from Wikidata and DBpedia.
) and linked with DBpedia (if the tweet mentions something available in DBpedia). There are no URIs (and actual messages) in the corpus, but you can easily generate the real links and visit the Twitter to see the tweets: BIND( URI(CONCAT("", ?tweet_id)) AS ?tweet_url)