
Goal: See how to operate signal acquisition devices

  1. Measurement time:
    1. Download and install the OpenSignals (r)evolution tool for your platform (Windows and Android are preferred, because they are the most problem-free)
    2. Follow the notebook Devices 101. It will guide you through the steps of setting up and attaching sensors, until a sample signal is collected and saved to a file.
    3. At the end, you save a file with about 5 minutes of your heart activity recording. Keep it in a safe place - you can use it during the next class on ECG signal analysis!
    4. If there is still time before the end of class, you can do more experiments:
      1. Check in practice how aliasing looks. By default, OpenSignals is set to sample at 1000 Hz. According to the ECG Datasheet, the ECG signal is between 25-100 Hz. So try changing the sampling rate to other values, such as 300 Hz and 20 Hz to see the differences in the collected ECG signal.
      2. Experiment with other sensors. Use the User Manuals (linked below) as a reference.
    5. At the end of class:
      1. clean the equipment with disinfectant wipes
      2. throw away the disposable electrodes (or keep them as souvenirs ;-) )
      3. pack all items in bags
      4. make sure all items are in the case:
        • biosignalsplux hub
        • bluetooth dongle
        • 4 sensors (each has a sticker with the name on it)
        • reference electrode (single, no stickers)
        • power supply
      5. give the case to the teacher


  • courses/psaw/lab_devices.txt
  • Last modified: 2 years ago
  • by kkt