
Goal: How does time series analysis differ from other machine learning models?

  1. Q&A Session:
    1. How time series data differ from other data?
    2. Explain the terms: trend, seasonal, cyclic
    3. What is the difference between stationary and non-stationary time series data?
    4. What are the AR (Autoregressive) and MA (Moving Average) models?
    5. When we develop a machine learning model, we need some input feature matrix (X) and some vector (y) we want to predict. This is a bit tricky when it comes to time series. Which features can we include for this purpose?
  2. Practice session:
    1. Today's lab is placed in one Jupyter Notebook: Time series analysis
  3. Advanced practice session:
    1. If you want to evaluate more advanced models, go to the optional Advanced section in the notebook.
  • courses/psaw/lab_timeseries.txt
  • Last modified: 10 months ago
  • by jeremi