
1. TBox and ABox [10 minutes]

  • The knowledge base in OWL (which is based on Description Logics) consists of two types of concepts:
    • TBox – terminology, intensional representation
    • ABox – assertions about individuals, extensional representation
  • Let's check if you understand this difference properly: Take your ontology from previous lab. Identify five statements that belong to Terminology (TBox) and five to World Description (ABox).

Note: we will not use ontology from previous classes during the following exercises (we will only check it using Pellet reasoner in OWL Reasoning - Reasoners section). There will be mini-examples for each of them to show particular ideas.

2. OWL Reasoning - Class Inference [10 minutes]

  • In Description Logics on which the OWL language is based there are the following reasoning tasks for classes (terminology, TBox):
    1. Class subsumption (Structuring the knowledge base)
    2. Class equivalence (Are two classes in fact the same class?)
    3. Class disjointness (Do classes A and B have common members?)
    4. Class consistency (Isn't class A empty?)
  1. Model the following ontology axioms in Protege:
    Class: bus_driver
            that drives some bus
    Class: driver
            that drives some vehicle
    Class: bus


    1. To build the first axiom:
      1. Create appropriate classes

      2. and Object Properties:

      3. Define the BusDriver class with Equivalent classes button
    2. Build the second axiom analogously:

    3. Build the third axiom using the SubClass of button:

  2. Start the reasoner (Reasoner → start reasoner) and observe the inferred class hierarchy.
    1. What conclusions have been drawn?

    2. Explain the inferred relations and conclusions.
  3. Analyze the reasoning examples given here in “Class Inferences” section.

3. OWL Reasoning - Instance Inferences [10 minutes]

  • In Description Logics on which the OWL language is based there are the following reasoning tasks for instances (world description, ABox):
    1. Class membership (is instance a contained in class C?)
    2. Instance retrieval (find all (known) individuals belonging to a given class)
  • and for the whole Knowledge Base (ABox+TBox):
    1. Global consistency of a knowledge base (Is the knowledge base meaningful?)
  1. Download the pre-prepared ontology and load it in Protege (NB: the ontology classes and those on screenshots may differ a little).
  2. Model the following ontology axioms in Protege:
    Individual: Daily_Mirror
    Individual: Q123ABC
    Individual: Mick
            reads  Daily_Mirror,
            drives  Q123ABC
    Class: white_van_man
            that drives some (van
            and white_thing)
            reads only tabloid

    For those not familiar with UK culture, White Van Man is a stereotype used to describe a particular kind of driver. Wikipedia provides an entry with some additional information and references.

    1. Create appropriate instances in Individuals tab
    2. If the instance is of 2 types, create it only once and then add the second type:
    3. Add object properties to connect individuals:
    4. Define the class:
  3. Start the reasoner (Reasoner → Start reasoner) and observe the inferred class hierarchy. Where is the white_van_man? What conclusions have been drawn?
    1. Explain the inferred relations and conclusions.
  4. Analyze the reasoning examples given here in “Instance Inferences” section.

4. OWL Reasoning - Reasoners [5 minutes]

Description Logics (DL) reasoners may be integrated with other tools – as in the case of Protege presented before – as well as run independently via various interfaces. Popular DL reasoners include: FaCT++, Pellet, HermiT, RacerPro and many others.

We will use the HermiT reasoner (you can also use Pellet reasoner; the link is at the top of this page).

  1. Download the reasoner and unpack the zip.
  2. Get familiar with available commands:
    • For HermiT: java -jar HermiT.jar –help
    • For Pellet: help (use pellet.bat if you are using Windows)
  3. Check the consistency of the ontology and observe the results:
    • For HermiT: java -jar HermiT.jar -k <ontology> where <ontology> is:
      • Your ontology from previous lab
      • pizza.owl ontology provided with HermiT in project/examples/ontologies/ directory
    • For Pellet: consistency <ontology> where the <ontology> is:
      • Your ontology from previous lab
      • people+pets.owl ontology provided with Pellet in examples/data/ directory
  4. Classify two above mentioned ontologies and observe the results:
    • For HermiT: java -jar HermiT.jar -cP <ontology>
    • For Pellet: classify <ontology>

5. Advanced OWL reasoning [50 minutes]

These instructions are based on the The Family History Knowledge Base Tutorial1) by The University of Manchester, School of Computer Science.

  1. Download the pack.
  2. Open Protege

5.1 Warm up

  1. Load Family-tree-0.owl
  2. It contains Sex, Female, Male, Person, Man and Woman classes.
  3. Create hasSex property. Set domain and ranges on hasSex (Person/Sex). Make it functional.
  4. Create restrictions on Person: hasSex some Sex.
  5. Make Man and Woman defined (use Equivalent to): Man EquivalentTo Person that hasSex some Male, etc.
  6. Import plain-individuals.owl file. Observe that none of them have any assertions on them (Active Ontology tab → Imported ontologiesDirect imports).
  7. Choose an individual, add Types: Person and (hasSex some Male)
  8. Using the Reasoner menu in Protege (Reasoner → Start/Synchronize reasoner), classify the ontology. What inferences are made?

5.2 Characteristics of properties

  1. Close the previous ontology. Load Family-tree-1.owl. Check how Man and Woman classes are defined.
  2. Create object properties: hasFather, hasMother, make them functional, add domain and range: Person, Man/Woman, add inverse properties:
  3. Create restrictions on Person: has Mother some Woman, hasFather some Man
  4. Load individuals-1-parantage.owl file.
  5. Classify the ontology. What inferences are made?

5.3 Datatype properties

  1. Close the previous ontology. Load Family-tree-2.owl.
  2. Create or find datatype properties: birthYear, deathYear, make them functional.
  3. Create Victorian class: Person and birthYear some integer[>=1837, <=1901]
    • If <= does not work, try: Person and (birthYear some xsd:integer[>=1837]) and not (birthYear some xsd:integer[>1901])
  4. Classify the ontology. How many individuals have been classified as Victorians?

5.4 Transitive properties

  1. Close the previous ontology. Load Family-tree-3.owl.
  2. Create a new super-property of hasParent called hasAncestor,
  3. Make it transitive and create inverse property.
  4. Clasify, look at property hierarchy. What do we know about Robert?
  5. Close the previous ontology. Load Family-tree-4.owl.
  6. Model the information about David:
  7. Classify the ontology. Answer the questions:
    1. What type does David_bright_1934 have?
    2. How many children does he have?

5.5 Property chains

  1. Close the previous ontology. Load Family-tree-5.owl.
  2. Add hasGrandParent subProperty of hasAncestor (inverse grandparentOf).
  3. Add domain and ranges.
  4. Add subProperties hasGrandMother/Father + domains and ranges
  5. Add property chain hasParent o hasFather/Mother → hasGrandFather/Mother
  6. Classify the ontology. What do we learn about Robert?

5.6 Classes with Individuals, Open World Assumption

  1. Close the previous ontology. Load Family-tree-6.owl.
  2. Make class of all ancestors and class of robert's ancestors.
  3. Classify. What are the results?
  4. Make class of people with min 3 children.
  5. Classify the ontology, do we find parents with 3 children? Why?
  6. How to really find parents that have 3 children?
  7. How to make individuals different from each other?

Updated version of the tutorial is available here.
  • courses/semint/lab_reasoning.txt
  • Last modified: 15 months ago
  • by kkt